Dementia Is a Potent Cause of Death | Anzen Exports

October 5, 2020by Anzen_Exports0

Dementia is the impairment in cognitive function comprising memory loss, inability to think properly and inability to solve problems. It covers a wide range of medical conditions resulting in abnormal changes in the brain. It adversely affects normal life, behavior, feelings, relations, and independent functioning.Moreover, the dysfunction of the brain deteriorates the body and becomes the potent contributory factor to death. It is estimated that dementia and its causes are the third leading cause of mortality across the world.(1)

One of the major causes of dependency, disability, and ailment among older people is dementia. Lack of awareness stigmatizes the disease, which results ina delay of diagnosis and care. It changes the entire personality of the career which reversely impacts on relationships, family, and society. (2)

Often people refer to senility as dementia. However, senility or aging is not the only factor responsible for dementia. Early diagnosis and dementia treatments can provide relief to the patient and help plan the future.

Causes of Dementia

This disease is a syndrome encompassing many other mental diseases. Dementia causes damage to brain cells. There are several distinct regions of the brain responsible for different actions and functions like judgment, thinking, mobility, emotion, etc. The main region is the hippocampus that is the center for memory and learning. Dementia mainly affects the hippocampus and, gradually,the other regions of the brain. When brain cells degenerate in any specific region it fails to communicate with other parts and normal brain function stops.  There are numerous causes of this disease. Some of the most common causes are: (3)

  • Alzheimer’s disease – 60-80% of cases of dementia are due to Alzheimer’s disease.In the case of this disease, some protein that is present inside and outside the cells of the brain, makes it rigid to communicate with other brain cells, which leads to a loss of memory.
  • Vascular Dementia – Sometimes the blood vessel of the brain gets blocked due to microscopic bleeding, causing a condition called vascular dementia.
  • Dementia with Lewy Bodies – Abnormal aggregation of protein inside nerve cells.
  • Frontotemporal Dementia –It is a group of diseases, which causes damage to the frontal lobe section of the brain.

There are many mixed types of dementia that, together, effect the functioning of the brain and gradually cause death.


What are the Signs and Symptoms of Dementia?

The effect and symptoms of dementia differ from person to person. It depends on the impact of the disease and the personality of the specific person after becoming ill. Signs and symptoms can be observed in three stages:


  • Early Stage – Symptoms are forgetfulness, unable to keep track of time, suddenly getting lost in known places, etc. Often these symptoms are overlooked.
  • Middle Stage –In this stage, the symptoms becomes more obvious. The patient starts forgetting recent events and names of the people in their family and friends. They get lost at home, fail to communicate properly, need help with personal care, their behavior changes, they wander, and repeat the same questions.
  • Late Stage – This stage leads to total dependence and major loss of memory. The patient becomes unaware of the place and time. They face difficulties in recognizing family members, cannot take care of themselves at all, and mobility slows down. Gradually the behavioral changes escalate to aggression.
 Treatment & Care

There is no treatment yet to cure dementia or alter the progressive course. There is no proper dementia medication. However, various new treatment methodologies are on clinical trials. With early diagnosis and medical care, physical health can be optimized up to a certain extent.

In the later stages of dementia, the person becomes frail and is unable to combat other infections and physical disorders as well. In such a case,they may die due to associated physical illnesses.


Age is one of the most important factors behind this disease. However, it is not an inevitable result.Genetics is a huge factor for dementia in some cases, although it is not the same for all cases.

Early stage dementia is often observed in people below 65 years of age, which accounts for up to 9% of the case.


Regular exercise, disciplined life, healthy diet, control on obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes can help reduce the risk of dementia. Prolonged smoking, drinking,other addictions,stress and medications affect physical and mental health. Take medical help in case the problem persists.


Untreated Depression May Lead to Dementia

In more than 60% of the cases of dementia, it is found that the patients had been suffering from depression for a prolonged period of time. If depression does not receive proper treatment at right time, it may lead to dementia. (4)

According to a recent study, 43% of Indians, i.e. 200 million people, are suffering from depression. One person out of every five is affected by depression up to a certain extent. 26% from mild depression, 11% from moderate depression, and 6% have severe symptoms of depression. (5)This data is collected from self-respondents. Due to the taboo of the subject in India, many individuals do not speak about their mental health. (6)

India’s National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS) revealed that 150 million Indians need active intervention for cognitive disorder, whereas only 30 million are getting it. (7)


Top 5 Anti-Depressants

Some common Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients (API) used in the making of antidepressant drugs are: (8)

Consult your physician before taking any drug.

API is the main ingredient of the medicine or finished product that determines the quality, price, and effectiveness of the medicine. India is one of the leading exporters of anti-depressant API. Anzen Exports is an API exporter catering to the global market for more than 29 years. Its quality products and services are highly acknowledged across the international pharmaceutical industry.

Its product range includes API for making drugs prescribed to treat disorders in:

Moreover, Anzen Exports API for antibiotics, contraceptives, surgical, and vaccines.

It has products under the herbal extracts, nutraceuticals, organic herbs, probiotics, refined oils, appetite supplements, and veterinary categories.

To fight dementia, we need to enhance awareness. It may help us, our friends, our families, and other acquaintances to take mental health as seriously as physical health. Organizations and institutions must endeavor to educate people on cognitive diseases with policies and materials provided by WHO.

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Anzen Exports’ blog posts are based just on our research from cited websites. To be best informed, we advise consulting a doctor about an ingredient or medicine prior to taking it.



  1. Alzheimer’s Association
    Website –
  2. World Health Organization
    Website –
  3. Alzheimer’s Association
    Website –
  4. Medical Xpress
    Website –,of%20an%20underlying%20neurodegenerative%20disease.
    Date – 21st Sept 2020
  5. Times of India
    Website – – 28th July 2020
  6. Financial Express
    Website – – 27th March 2019.
  7. The Diplomat
    Website – – 21st March 2020
  8. WebMD
    Website –

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